Posts Tagged ‘tv’

Acting & Voice over at Home for the Holidays!

candlesThis fall has gotten away from me!  November was just a blur.  When I got back to LA in October, after being back in Texas to shoot “A Country Called Home”, things started popping.  Almost immediately, I got my first LA audition and it was a doozie! –  a lead villain in a film with a major star.  When I walked into the audition, I was surprised to see only 3 other women, and of the 4 of us, I was the only one I didn’t recognize. 🙂 Although I didn’t book it – and none of the other women there that day did – it was a wonderful first audition experience!

That was followed by several national commercial auditions and two TV guest star auditions.  On the first, there was another star auditioning along with me, and on the second, I went to producer!  Those not in the business may think that it only counts when you actually book the job. Of course, that is the point, but when you’re new to LA, and booked out for almost a month during your first episodic season to shoot a film out of town,  just getting called to be in the room is a major step forward!  I am very encouraged and feel that it is just a matter of time.  It will happen, soon. I will say, that meeting the casting directors at workshops has been very valuable and affirming.

For now, I am back home in Houston enjoying being with my family celebrating Thanksgiving and preparing for Christmas.  I’ve put myself on video for several film and television roles while here, both through my Houston agent and my Manager in LA.  As always, I’m keeping busy with voice over work and  continuously reading, listening to and participating in  audio and video workshops.

I’m excited that I have also met with a top notch demo producer to build a new promo demo and update my commercial demo when I get back to LA in January!  After that, I’ll seriously pursue top tier voice over representation in LA as well.

Here’s to a very Merry Christmas with family and friends and a wonderful, healthy, and prosperous New Year for all!





Another Busy Week in LA

Beautiful sunset from our little balcony here in Burbank. The end of another 

Sunset over Burbankbusy week here in LA.


Two great CD workshops this week – great feedback from both, especially the CD who casts a lot of TV comedy!

Had a meeting with a potential Commercial agent – fingers crossed and waiting to hear.

Even had my hair done – always a daunting experience trying a new hairdresser, and on the recommendation of my muse, Connie at Shag did an excellent job recreating and possibly improving on my “do”!

New headshots next week!


In addition to more voice over work from the closet, “homework” for my manager, and keeping up with daily business from here and home, we had a lovely lunch on the pier in Santa Monica after my agent meeting on Thursday.  Beautiful sunny day with a nice cool breeze off the ocean…….I could get used to that.


Keeping up with family from home and so thankful to my son for being my surrogate in helping my mom with all the prep, day of and follow up with hand surgery this week.  That’s the hardest part of being out here and away from home.

Actress MELANIE HAYNES Demands Truth on WGN America’s Witchy New Hit-Series “SALEM”

Also Appears in Festival-Favorite Indie Film “THE LAST MARK”

HOUSTON, Texas (May 19, 2014) – Actress MELANIE HAYNES flexes her strength in an all-new episode of WGN America’s spooky freshman drama series, “Salem,” set to air on June 1, 2014. Haynes also appears as one tough lady in the indie feature, “The Last Mark,” currently screening on the festival circuit.

In the episode titled, “Our Own Private America,” Haynes gets fed-up and turns to the authorities for answers. Set in the volatile world of 17th century Massachusetts, the show explores the infamous times of the witch trials, uncovering the dark and supernatural truths of the times. Created and executive-produced by Brannon Braga (“24”) and Adam Simon, the show stars Janet Montgomery, Shane West, Seth Gabel and Xander Berkeley.

Haynes rolls up her sleeves as the no-nonsense bar owner Sissy in the indie drama “The Last Mark,” which recently premiered at WorldFest-Houston. The film reveals the stories of the good ol’ days of a legendary card shark (Bo Brinkman) and his sidekick (William Morgan Sheppard), which leads to the exposure of a long lost dark secret. It’s only then, that the legend’s son (Jeremy London) can escape his bleak future as a ‘mark’ and find redemptive kindness.

Haynes was thrilled to be part of the Houston-based project, adding “Not only did I get the chance to work with wonderfully seasoned actors, like William Morgan Sheppard, but I also got to share screen-time with actors I’ve known for years but have never had a chance to work alongside. We all had a great time telling this story!”

Haynes has built a solid resume both on-camera and as a voice-over actress over the years. The Houston native has appeared in and voiced numerous television projects, including “A Face to Kill For,” “The Con,” “Arrest & Trial” and “The Daily Apple.” She earned her Bachelor’s degree and teaching certificate in Theater and English at the University of Houston, and danced for several years with Patsy Swayze’s Houston Jazz Ballet Company. Haynes served on the board of SAG-AFTRA’s Houston Local Branch for 15 years and as the President for two terms. Today, Haynes continues to run her own professional voice over studio which she established back in 2002.

Melanie Haynes is represented by Linda McAlister Talent (Los Angeles/Dallas) and Pastorini-Bosby Talent (Houston).

For further information on MELANIE HAYNES visit:


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