Posts Tagged ‘casting director’

Cast in The Middle, Middle Ground, and Tender Moments!

Angry Patient with Patricia Heaton and Jack McBrayer

Angry Patient with Patricia Heaton and Jack McBrayer

Once again, I’m playing catch up with my Blog!  2016 saw an increase in my on camera work along with a steady flow of voice over projects!  I was thrilled to appear on an episode of ABC’s “The Middle” (Birds of a Feather) in a scene with wonderful Patricia Heaton and Jack McBrayor!  What a hoot!

Then I filmed a short titled “Middle Ground” – hmm, sensing a theme?  It is a dark comedy, and I’m so anxious to see the final edit – and get my footage, of course!  I had a wonderful time shooting in Chapman and Santa Anna, Ca for that. The wonderful cast included Rory O’Connor, Laynie Mitchell, and Blaine Vedros.

This summer, I had a great time shooting another short film in Shreveport, La. which has been submitted for the LA Film Prize – “Tender Moments”.  The character I played was such fun.  Again, anxiously awaiting footage that I can share from that one, too!  Pictured with me here are the lovely and talented Shelley Calene Black and Julitta Pourciau.  Brian Watson, Heather Bloom and Joe Grissafi rounded out our all star cast!
I’ve been spending time at home with family over the summer, and will be heading back to LA very soon for episodic season. Looking forward to having more fun with even bigger and better roles to come!

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Back Home to film A Country Called Home

A Country Called Home


After spending most of the summer in LA and enjoying getting to know the lay of the land, signing with my manager and agents and attending lots of Casting Director workshops, I had to make a quick trip back to Texas to work on the indie film A Country Called Home  “A COUNTRY CALLED HOME is a compelling coming of age story with universal appeal because it deals with trials and trepidations that most people experience in one way or another, no matter who they are or where they are from. The story incorporates the views of people from all walks of life; different generations, different places, different socio-economic backdrops and so the main character Ellie’s journey of growth and forgiveness is grounded in a rich and multifaceted setting that was inspired by writer/director Anna Axster’s travels and observations throughout the United States her musician husband Ryan Bingham.”

I am thoroughly enjoying my work on the film and have been welcomed so warmly by the cast and crew alike.  I have shot over a 3 week period in the role of Brenda (formerly called Wendy).  So many interesting characters in this sweet little film!  I’m so  happy to be working with leads, Imogen Poots (Need for Speed) and Mackenzie Davis (Halt and Catch Fire) – two wonderful new actresses who are really doing exciting things!  I was delighted to meet Mary MacCormack (In Plain Sight)  who has a wonderful role, as well.  I’m also hoping I’ll have a chance to meet Oscar nominee, June Squibb, who has joined the cast.

I’m always happy to work, of course, and being able to come home to be with my family while working on a wonderful project with fantastic people is something for which I am truly grateful!

Update 5-2-2016

A Country Called Home premiered at the LA Film Festival in June of 2015 and has begun distribution in 2016!

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New Commercial Agent!

imageI’m happy to report that I have a new commercial agent here in LA.  I just signed with JLA!  Sumer is delightful, and I’m really looking forward to working with her!

I had my new headshots taken by David Carlson last Friday (all 1200 of them!), and I’m in the process of getting feedback from my managers and agents as to which ones they want me to print and/or upload to the various casting sites. We covered a lot of ground with the shots, from “warts and all” to glam senator’s wife, so there are lots to choose from. I’m sure I’ll be posting a few of the chosen shots after the verdict is in.

Another great tv CD workshop earlier this week as well as two awesome voice over workshops! In between, I recorded, edited and uploaded several voice over projects in addition to an ISDN session.

I had a great little phone session with Bonnie Gillespie this week, too. She had some wonderful, insightful suggestions for tweaks to my resume, acting demo reel, and this site as well as input on my new photos. Those will all be implemented soon!

Another Busy Week in LA

Beautiful sunset from our little balcony here in Burbank. The end of another 

Sunset over Burbankbusy week here in LA.


Two great CD workshops this week – great feedback from both, especially the CD who casts a lot of TV comedy!

Had a meeting with a potential Commercial agent – fingers crossed and waiting to hear.

Even had my hair done – always a daunting experience trying a new hairdresser, and on the recommendation of my muse, Connie at Shag did an excellent job recreating and possibly improving on my “do”!

New headshots next week!


In addition to more voice over work from the closet, “homework” for my manager, and keeping up with daily business from here and home, we had a lovely lunch on the pier in Santa Monica after my agent meeting on Thursday.  Beautiful sunny day with a nice cool breeze off the ocean…….I could get used to that.


Keeping up with family from home and so thankful to my son for being my surrogate in helping my mom with all the prep, day of and follow up with hand surgery this week.  That’s the hardest part of being out here and away from home.

Manager Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Met with my new manager, ESI Network,  to sign paperwork and get my homework, talk about pictures, plans, etc.  I have quite a few things to do in order to help my manager market me correctly.  Fortunately, having been in the business for over 20 years, many of the things are already done like  listing with numerous casting websites, budgeting for business, investing in my business, etc.


Now, I need to do things like get specific about my short and long terms goals, and make a list of the shows that I want to do and in which I can see myself being cast.  These are things I’ve been thinking about anyway, but good to get organized and put it down in black and white.

Of course, I need new headshots, too.  I know I’ve needed them for awhile, but thought I’d wait until I was out here.  It also helps to know what types of shots the manager and agent need. So, I’m gearing up for that.  I’ve been referred to a good photographer by acting friends, and I’m excited to work with him.

I’ve also scheduled 10 casting director workshops during the month of July, so that will keep me busy in addition to my voice over work!

Found a hairdresser here – so that’s a sigh of relief, too. 🙂

Personal Note 

Have to say I’ve been missing my family especially over this holiday weekend.  We’ve been keeping in touch, but didn’t feel like I could make the trip home for the 4th of July while in the middle of everything here.  Will hope to work out all that scheduling as we go. I will be going home for a visit  soon

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